Mar 25, 2009


It was last March, 6th and 7th. Boy, it was a rough & tough weekend but we did it!

It started right after me and Pipoca had our "Saturday's bath" (we are very clean ladies, you know!?) all perfumed and with our collor ribbons and I had my 1st seizure outside the pet shop. It was so quick that my human pet thought I had just "grabbed a bad bite" on the sidewalk...

At home, I had another quicky a couple of hours later but the big one striked me at 3h00 p.m. That was really tough, hurting not only my mouth but all my muscles.

The sad thing was that my vet was away on a trip and I had to be seen by someone I've never met before. She did what she could but it wasn't really effective, you see. So, seizures came as more than 5 that afternoon and evening, the last one at 3h00 a.m.!

Next morning, Sunday, I was OK until after lunchtime but then, seizures came as waves, one after another on 40-50 mins. periods. It was so tiring... and my sis Pipoca was so worried about me...

I was saved by my beloved vet who came to our place for some shots and only after that I could rest without fear of more episodes! He was so kind of coming when he could, by midnight ! !

Even though, I was very down, numb and clumsy due to my general condition and the medicine's strong effects, so much that my back legs could not hold enough for me to pee!? :0(

Only by the following Thursday I was back to myself. Now, the medicine dose is leveled and I'm feeling much better!

I had seizures before but it was only when I was a one year old puppy. I wonder...

It was kind of tiring, hard and long (about 10 days) weekend but it's over now! OUFS!